"Product Catgeory","portable mobile lab-field medical" "Product Name","Portable compact mobile lab with accukine with Data recorder" "Specification Title","Specification Value" "Type of Portable Mobile lab","Laboratory in portable case" "Number of Investigations the kit can perform",38 "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Albumin test",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Alkaline Phosphatase",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Direct Bilirubin",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Indirect Bilirubin",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Total Bilirubin",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:AST(SGOT)",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:ALT(SGPT)",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Total Protien",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Globulin",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:Albumin/Globulin Ratio",Yes "Whether Kit performs Liver Function Test:ALP",Yes "Whether Kit performs Kidney function tests:Creatinine",Yes "Whether Kit performs Kidney function tests:Urea",Yes "Whether Kit performs Kidney function tests:Uric Acid",Yes "Whether Kit performs Kidney function tests:BUN",Yes "Whether Kit performs Kidney function tests:EGFR",Yes "Whether Kit performs Sugar(Glucose) test:Fasting",Yes "Whether Kit performs Sugar(Glucose) test:Random",Yes "Whether Kit performs Sugar(Glucose) test:PP",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:HDL",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:LDL",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:VLDL",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:Triglyceride",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:HDL/LDL ratio",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:Cholesterol HDL ratio",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:Cholesterol",Yes "Whether Kit performs Lipid Profile test:CK_MB",No "Whether Kit performs Electrolytes test:Sodium",Yes "Whether Kit performs Electrolytes test:Potassium",Yes "Whether Kit performs Electrolytes test:Chloride",Yes "Whether Kit performs Electrolytes test:Phosphorus",Yes "Whether Kit performs Electrolytes test:Calcium",Yes "Whether Kit performs Electrolytes test:Magnesium",Yes "Whether Kit performs Hematology Test:Haemoglobin",Yes "Whether Kit performs Hematology Test:RBC",Yes "Whether Kit performs Hematology Test:PCV",Yes "Whether Kit performs Hematology Test:MCV",Yes "Whether Kit performs Hematology Test:MCH",Yes "Whether Kit performs Hematology Test:MCHC",Yes "Whether Kit performs Serology test:Widal",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:Typhi dot igm",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:Maleria Antigen",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:Dengue NS1 Antigen",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:HBSAG",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:HCV",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:VDRL",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:RA factor",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:CRP",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:Pregnancy(UPT)",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:Semen Analysis",No "Whether Kit performs Serology test:Semen Fructose",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Leukocyte",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Nitrite",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Bilinogen",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Protien",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:PH",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Blood",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Specific Gravity",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Ketone",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Bilirubin",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Glucose",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Appearance",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Colour",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Reaction",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Quantity",No "Whether Kit performs Urine test:Bacteria",No "Biochemistry Analyzer Provided",Yes "Number of Units Biochemistry Analyzer provided in the kit",1 "Operating and reading method of Analyzer","True Random acess with Direct reading System" "Technical Specification of the Biochemistry Analyzer provided","Wave Length range- 340-650 nm, Calibration- Multi point calibration, measuring modes Transmission, Absorbance, Photometric Accuracy- Upto 3 decimal places, Optical System- Silicon Photodiode, Display- Bright green LCD display, Keyboard- Soft push membrane type,Measurement range- 0.001 to 2.300Abs, Patented Solid State Chip based LED which has long life, no Lamps are used thus reduced running expenses and maintenance. Very low power consumption Light Filters- No filters used" "Sample System,Capacity and volume required in the Analyzer","10mm path length cuvette based, 5ul, volume of reagent required is 250ul to 500ul" "Power Supply for Biochemistry Analyzer","12V DC , 50Hz" "Certifications for Biochemistry Analyzer","FDA, CE, ISO" "Type of Data Logging Option","USB, Bluetooth, Satellite Control" "Centrifugation unit Provided",Yes "Number of Centrifugation unit provided in the kit",1 "Technical Specification of the Centrifugation unit provided","Fixed angel rotors- 8X1.5ml, Adapter- Adapter for0.2 ml & 0.5 ml tubes, Safety Provision- Lid interlocking, Slots to keep centrifuge tubes 8 + Adapter of 16, Operation- Qucik acceleration to full speed," "Sample System,Capacity and volume required in the Centrifugation unit","8 pcs of 1.5ml centrifuge tube" "Power Supply for Centrifugation unit","230V, 50Hz" "Certifications for Centrifugation unit",na "Type of Data Logging Option",na "Incubation unit Provided",Yes "Number of Incubation unit provided in the kit",1 "Technical Specification of the Incubation unit provided","Heating material- Mica, Heading Control- PID Controller, Sensor Calibration- Simple at user end, Dimensions- Diameter-155.5, Height-80mm, Capacity- 25 samples incubation at one time" "Power Supply for Incubation unit","230V AC, 50Hz" "Certifications for Incubation unit",na "Type of Data Logging Option",na "Data Recorder/Minilaptop Provided",Yes "Patient Data Management Software provided",Yes "Details of Patient Data Management Softaware","EAccuster PMS software with Bluetooth and USb Connectivity" "Cuvettes provided",Yes "Number of Cuvettes Provided",100 "Capacity of Cuvettes",2.5 "Cuvettes Stand provided",Yes "Capacity of Stand and Number of Stands provided",4 "Material of the Stand",Plastic "Micropipettes Provided",Yes "Microtips provided",Yes "Microtip box provided",Yes "Reagent Containers provided",Yes "Blood Centrifuge Tube provided",Yes "Blood Centrifuge Tube Stand provided",Yes "Capacity of Stand and Number of Stands provided for Blood centrifuge tubes",30 "Case or Mobile carrying platform specification","HS Polypropylene" "External Dimension of the Mobile lab(the case): (HeightxWidthxWidth)",685*470*285 "Power back up facility provided",Yes "Type of charging facility","External charging" "Power Back up Duration",4 "Accessories and spares included in standard pack","Micropippette (5-50ul)- 1, Micropippette (100-1000ul)- 1, Microtips-1500 pcs, Microtip holder- 2, Reagents- a- KFT icludes urea/uric acid/Cretinine b)- LFT includes Albumin/Total Bilirubin. c) Lipid profile includes Cholesterol, HDl/ Triglyceride. d) Diabetes includes Glucose. e) Anaemia includes haemoglobin, Quality Control Material, Solar Panel, Satellite Control" "Additional Safety Features","Satellite Control-Quality Control, Financial Control, Geographical Control, Fuse, Kill Switch" "Free Service Available",Yes "Number of Free Services, if provided",1 "Warranty on Product",1 "Supply of free spare parts under warranty",YES "Annual Maintenance Contract(AMC) available after warranty",Yes "AMC contract period",5 "Product code available on supplier website",Yes "if Yes, Product code",PCMLKIN "Firm Certified to ISO9001:2008 or latest",Yes "Product is CE certified",Yes "If CE certified, EN/IEC directives",98/79/EC "Availability of Test Report from Central Govt./NABL/ILAC accredited lab to prove conformity to specification",No "Test Report No.",N/A "Test Report Date",N/A "Name of the Lab",N/A "Address of the Lab",N/A