"Product Catgeory","length measuring instrument or tape measuring unit distance meters" "Product Name","steel tape" "Specification Title","Specification Value" "Type of flexible Tape to be calibrated",Plastic "Tape measuring accuracy","+ - 0.1" "Uncertainty over a length of 1000 mm including additional 100 mm on either side of the scale","+ - 0.03" "The instrument should have an appropriate fully automatic mechanism",Yes "    One metre length of tape is to be mounted on the machine without damaging the tape or its assembly. A tensile load of 50N or 20N is to be applied to the tape.",Yes "A graduated linear scale shall be then placed alongside the tape measure.",Yes "Every meter length of the tape will be securely mounted on a smooth surface",Yes "A microscope assembly will be used to focus on both the tape measure and the scale.",Yes "Each graduation on the tape for every meter will be then calibrated using an appropriate standard",Yes "The microscope assembly should also allow for the simultaneous comparison of the tape measure against the linear scale mounted alongside.",Yes "The results shall be stored and printable in appropriate format for records",Yes "To securely place the tape on a measuring platform and apply a variable tensile load of 50N/20N using standard hexagonal Cast Iron weight to the tape and to maintain it over the length of tape being calibrated",Yes "To allow mounting of tape measure of length up to 1m and to enable the checking of tape for every meter length till its total length on the testing platform alongside the graduated linear scale. The tape or its assembly should not be damaged in any way during the whole process.",Yes "Have a reference/ standard NPL calibrated graduated metal linear scale of length 1000 mm with accuracy 0.05 mm and an additional 100 mm on either side main scale which can be mounted alongside the tape measure for manual comparison using the microscope assembly. This scale should be detachable for verification against Secondary standard meter bar. An appropriate box to keep the linear scale may also be provided with each equipment as standard.",Yes "Have a suitable microscope assembly with an appropriate etched glass scale etc. to focus on both the tape as well as the linear scale.",Yes "a. The microscope assembly should have a lighting system ( and an additional battery powered system, if the main system is connected to electrical mains) so that the area under microscope is well lit and have a magnification of not less than 5X",Yes "b. The scale shall be able to traverse vertically for a distance of 100 mm over the datum line and measure to accuracy:",0.5 "c.    The microscope assembly should also allow for manual comparison of the tape measure against the standard linear scale with an accuracy of ±0.1 mm and uncertainty of 0.03 mm.",Yes "Have a mechanism to mount the tape measure on a platform alongside the standard line scale for manual comparison",Yes "Length measuring instrument shall be capable to calibrate or test Tape as per OIML R-66:1985(E) for Length measuring instrument and meets the requirement of the same.",Yes "Use calibrated standard products for manufacturing the tape measurement bench i.e. microscopes, digital indicator to indicate calibration data",Yes "Length measuring instrument shall be NPL calibrated and complete type tested from a National Physical Laboratory with type test report with their stamp as it shall be used as standard calibrator for testing of Tape and shall be provided with each equipment as standard and also available with manufacture for verification of the products.",Yes "OIML R-66:1985(E) for Length measuring instrument is for guidance and All the Gazette of india related to legal metrology issued time to time , are applicable to the specification as well as to the product.",Yes "As per the Gazette of India Extraordinary, The Legal Metrology Act, 2009,cl. 22,Approval of Model before manufacturing and cl. 23,Prohibition on manufacture, repair or sale without licence for product shall be applicable on manufacture of measuring instrument",Yes "Others Certificate ie ROHS,WHO,GMP etc.",NA "Availability of Type Test Reports of product from any ILAC/NABL accredited/Central Gov. LAB. Showing compliance to the specification",Yes "Test Report and approvals to be furnished to the buyer on demand",Yes "Test cetificate No.",56289 "Teat Report Date",8/11/17 "Name of the Lab where test Conducted.",planet "Warranty Time",1 "Product code available on supplier website",Yes "If Yes,Product Code No.",na