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target paper with tin sheet no12 (Target paper with tin Sheet No12)(Target paper with tin Sheet No12)

` 15.00

  • MRP: `20.00


  • Availability: 20,000 In Stock
  • Min. Qty. Per Consignee: 20
  • Specification seen and understood - Yes
  • Conformity to the specifications - Yes
  • Target system option for detecting sub-sonic bullets - Not Available
  • Test Report No. & date - 8-05-17
  • Warranty - 1 Year
Other Specifications Download Specification
Url Of The Specification http://www.dgserver.dgsnd.gov.in/rc/49181699.pdf
Specification Seen And Understood Yes
Conformity To The Specifications Yes
Target System Option For Detecting Sub-sonic Bullets Not Available
Availability Of The Test Report From Central Govt./ NABL Approved/ ILAC Acredited Lab To Prove Compliance To Technical Specification (Test Reports Are To Be Furnished When Demanded By The Buyer) Yes
Test Report No. & Date 8-05-17
Name Of Lab test lab
Address Of Lab test lab mart
Warranty 1 Year

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